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Thursday, September 12, 2013

I Never Run with Scissors...

"Exercise is done against one's wishes and maintained only because the alternative is worse."

I own a treadmill because I like food.  I say this often, but it's true.  To be truthful, I loathe working out.  As far as I can tell, that workout "High" doesn't exist for me.  Ever.  Ever.  Ever...   I work out so that I can continue to do the things I like to do (which involve food, travel, food....)

"I never run with scissors.  Those last two words were unnecessary."

"If my body is ever found dead on a jogging trail, just know I was murdered and dumped there."

And, just to be clear, I don't run on the treadmill.  If I ever had to run for my life I would probably die.  If you want to go running with me, you'd better be prepared to walk... a lot.  The whole running thing isn't happening for me.  But I can tolerate walking, so I do the whole hamster wheel thing in the basement, because I'm not going outside looking like this.  I also lift some light weights and do some yoga because some "expert" decided that you needed to do have the trifecta of cardio, strength, and balance to be healthy.    Oh Whatever.  I just want to be able to continue to enjoy eating my macaroni and cheese.

"If I could have a super power, it would be the ability to watch people work out and then absorb their health benefits."

I admit to standing there in my workout clothes wandering how many calories I just burned putting them on.  If there was any other way to keep my body healthy, I would  probably do it.  However, there's not a shortcut.  It's funny how exercise helps you live longer because whenever I exercise it makes me feel like I'm dying.  Also, did I mention that I hate it?

"Act enthusiastic about exercising and you will be enthusiastic."

This is what some perky, young thing said to me.  Okaaaaay.  So, someone else said that it is better when you work out with someone.  Fine.  Now Jeff and I get up out of bed at an ungodly hour (at least for the night owl of the family-- which is me) , put on our workout clothes and stumble down the stairs. Now, it should be noted that I'm not allowed to have coffee before I work out, so that's already one strike against it.  I grab my phone (because we all know that I have the best music on mine), and hit the "workout" music playlist. And yes, in the quest for acting "enthusiastic", I created a whole workout music playlist.  Jeff jumps on his elliptical and I start up my treadmill.  So that I don't get bored I switch around the various "routines" that are plugged in, all of which are programed to vary the speed and incline of the machine in order to optimize my workout time.  Lately I've been trying to have a better attitude about all this.  Trying to make it at least a little fun.  So now, my morning treadmill machine workout has turned into the "Yolanda" show, complete with the pretend microphone.  Much to my husbands dismay, I now walk, sing LOUDLY, and sometimes dance my way through the routine with songs like Beyonce's Single Ladies, Sweet Emotion from Aerosmith, Superchicks Hey, Hey, God Over Money by Bizzle, Respect by Aretha, Bring Me to Life by Evanesence and everything in between.   Needless to say, it is probably a somewhat loud and painful expansion of my husbands musical repertoire.  I don't know if this has made the whole exercising thing any more fun for me, but I do kind of enjoy the somewhat bemused expression on Jeff's face.  It's still hard and sweaty work.  But, I can reasonably enjoy my food, still fit in my clothes, and walk and explore while traveling,  so for me it's a successful endeavor.

"There really is no secret.  Hard work and discipline are what you need to succeed.  This applies to EVERYTHING.  There is no secret or shortcut that will get you around this."

So, I told this whole convoluted story for this point:  Success takes work.  It seems like we all want to find the shortcut.  Take the easier way.  However, some things in life just take work.  That's all.  Take my husband Jeff as another example.  Jeff is now reaping some of the rewards in his career because of hard work (and God has blessed us). He started out at the bottom 24 years ago.  It has taken 24 years to reach the level that he is at.  It also takes a lot of hard work to be at  his current level.   If you think he can now sit back and relax you do not understand what it takes to be in a position of leadership in an organization.  He works hard every day.  He does email, sends texts, takes work phone calls while at home and while on vacation.  He strives to do his very best at all times.  I am proud of him. I am proud of all the hard work he does.

If you want something (either to fit into your clothes, or to run an organization, or whatever else you may have dreams of doing), then you've got to be willing to do the work involved.  Not only do you need to willing to do the work, but you need to find some way to have some enthusiasm for it.  Be committed.  Be consistent.  Work hard with enthusiasm.

And since my very shallow goal is to be able to eat and travel, I leave you with a few photos that show you why I work out.

So I can do the shark cage adventure with my son and some very big Galapagos sharks.  That is Keagan's flip flop you see tied to the rope. Sharks are curious so we were trying to lure them closer.  I think the ungodly smell of the shoe made them keep their distance.

So I can go out and snorkel with these amazing creatures.  As cool as I think the eels are, they do not share my enthusiasm at me having found them. 

So I can hike on trails like this.

Oh, and did I mention so I can snorkel?

So I can climb the steps in the theater where Paul Spoke in Ephesus.  I swear it was 180 degrees there (not really, it was only around 90, but HOT).  Very, very amazing experience!

So I can eat amazing Baklava in Greece.  I only took one photo, but we managed to eat about 3 or 4 different types of Baklava while there.  And it was Yum!

So I can eat amazing food in Greece!  The Calamari was amazing!

So I can do the stairs in Sorrento (luckily we were going down).  It was a looooong way to the bottom.

So I can climb the stairs in the Colosseum in Rome with about 100,000 of my closest friends.  And yes, I know that was sarcastic. Whatever.

So I can eat Gelato in Florence.  And in Rome, and in Pisa, and Sorrento, and Venice.......

So I can climb the 300 stairs to the top of the Tower of Pisa.  Notice my son was still smiling at the top.  Me, not so much.   More like sweating and breathing hard.  But it was worth it.  Besides, we went down and had gelato.

So I can climb the 200 stairs to the top of the Notre Dame de la Garde in Marseille.

So I can eat Catalonian chocolate in Barcelona.

I believe I will go walk some more......

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