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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A return to Laughter, Fun & Joy... or Who's Your Momma Now?

We have been way too serious around our house lately.  Waaaaaayyyyyy to serious!  We've had serious conversations about college, and grades, and chores, and work.....  And don't get me wrong, these are important conversations to have, but I looked up the other day and thought,   hmmmmm are we having any fun?  And I decided that the answer was not nearly enough fun was being "had" at Casa Benintendi... so I set out to rectify this situation.

Jeff called and said that Jeanne Robertson was speaking at a local charity/fundraising dinner, would we be interested in going?  Ummmmmmm.... yes!  She's so funny and it was for a good cause so it was a win/win.  We were lucky enough to have a table up front, and so she picked on Keagan quite a bit, which he enjoyed-- he loves a good laugh.

But, as you know, one night does not a fun life make.  And so, I have taken it upon myself to have a little fun at home.  And my sight focused upon our 16 year old son.  I went out to a local store and purchased some "fake snow."  The kind that is made up of millions of tiny, round, styrofoam beads.  The great thing about styrofoam is that it generates an immense amount of static electricity, which causes it to stick to anything with relentless fervor.  Ha!  Perfect!  I had the annoying sticking fake snow and Keagan has a car ;)  I waited until Keagan had gone to bed (Jeff was out of town on business, so no partner in crime on this one).  Then I went down to his car and dumped several bags of the fake snow into his defrost vents and set said vents on high, so that when he started his car in the morning, they would blow the fake snow all over his car.

The next morning, I prayed with him before he walked out the door and then sat back and waited.  It didn't take long.  He came marching back to the front door, little balls of fake styrofoam snow clinging to him from head to toe.  He was not laughing.  When I met him at the door he simply said, "You are going to help me clean this up right?"  I looked at him, standing there, somewhat indignant, and watched as the beads of fake snow clung to his hair, clothing, and eyebrows..... and I laughed.  Great big belly laughs.  I laughed until I cried.  I laughed so hard that I forgot to take a photo.

He stood there, blinking at me, fake snow clinging to the end of his nose, and then in typical teenaged fashion said, "Whatever.  I'm going to school."  And marched back to his car.  And 7 days later, I'm still laughing ( and he is laughing also, now).

A few days later, Keagan invited some of his friends over for the last swim party of the year before we close the pool for the winter.  Let me tell you nothing is funnier than listening to teenage boys goofing around in the pool.  They are funny!  Seriously, roll on the floor laughing, funny!  

Next came Rupert, the seriously creepy fake Rat.  He's been making the rounds, showing up where you least expect him,  like in Keagan's sock drawer.  ;)  Oh, and he squeaks when you pick him up.  The cat's scared of him....

"Laughter has tremendous beauty and lightness."

And we have been laughing, and having fun, and just in general enjoying life.  And it's good.  God is good.  And we are remembering to not take ourselves so seriously.  And, just when you think the laughter and pranks are over.....

Yup, that's Keagan's Jeep, covered in Saran Wrap.  Lots and lots and lots of Saran Wrap.  Everywhere.  This time I had a partner in crime in the form of Jeff.  And while Keagan was not initially amused (he's a little cranky in the mornings), Jeff and I enjoyed a good laugh all day.  And Keagan eventually joined in, later.

"Always find a reason to laugh.  It may not add years to your life, but it will surely add life to your years."

So, if you are finding yourself being a little too serious these days, I encourage you to look for reasons to laugh, or at least for reasons to smile.  Have a great day!

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