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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Winning the battle or becoming Xena the Warrior Princess

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."  Margaret Thatcher

I came across this quote this morning. Actually, I re-discovered this quote this morning, where I had written it down some time ago, buried in some old papers in my desk.  I love this quote because it speaks to determination and persistence.

You see, I want to be like Xena, the warrior princess -  fight the battle once, decisively win it, and move on.  I truly hate having to repeat something.   Which could be why I hate things like laundry (that battle is never completely won) and exercise (which is nothing but repetition) and why I love things like cooking (because you can make something different every time), travel (you can go to someplace new), and photography (every photo is different-even if the difference is subtle).  However, life doesn't work that way.  I can't just conquer the laundry once or we would be over run with dirty clothing and naked, which trust me, no one wants to see that.  I must exercise in order to stay healthy, especially at "my age. "

Have you ever had those life lessons that you had to learn multiple times?  Or repeated life experiences that were just not fun?  Boy I have.  And I'll be honest, those times often just suck.  I find myself frustrated during those times.  Angry at myself that I have to go through this situation "once again."  I also get annoyed--annoyed at myself, annoyed at others,  annoyed at the circumstance. Discouraged. Unhappy.  Just generally put out.  And yet, even through all of that, I must somehow be persistent in order to make it through.

I'll be honest here.  I have great trust in God.  I do.  But it's not come without multiple battles.  I would say that 99% of the time my trust is strongly and automatically there. But that didn't magically happen for me.  Maybe it does happen magically for others, I don't know.  But for me?  It's been years of small battles to even start to say that I think I can win this war.  And, I don't believe I've completely won it yet.  Even now, with all the knowledge I have gained from various life experiences that prove that I can and should completely and fully trust Gods plan, something comes along and causes me to waiver.  Worry about some upcoming decisions -- I begin to wobble a little bit. Concern over my my son-- my wobble turns into more of a fierce back and forth rocking motion.  Discouraging news about my moms cancer progress --my little wobble starts to turn into a full on earthquake.  And, before I know it, I find myself in the middle of another battle.  Do I really trust God's plans?  Maybe I need to give God a little push in the right direction.  Maybe I need to be drawing up a plan B, just in case.  The internal battle of logic, words, belief, and faith begin clashing like swords in my heart and mind until there's nothing left for me to do but to pick up my sword, wade right into the thick of things, and begin to work through the process of winning the battle. (and here is where my odd sense of humor kicks in-- I totally just pictured myself in a full on Xena, warrior princess moment-- and now I am full out laughing at myself.  Feel free to join me.)

So, as frustrating as these life circumstances may be.  As annoyed or disappointed as we may be that we have to fight this battle once again. That may just be the point of it all.  That sometimes you just have to keep fighting the battle, over and over again, before you win it.

So, I don't know what your battles are today, but I would encourage you to not drop your sword.  Even when you find yourself tired and sword arm heavy, be persistent in your goal of winning the battle.  Be determined, remembering this quote again:

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."  Margaret Thatcher

So, since this was a heavier subject today, I'm leaving you with a "lighter" battle moment.  A few photos of my son "battling" Darth Vader at Disney World.  He was picked with some kids from the audience to go through Jedi training and then had to fight Vader at the end.  It was a fun moment!

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