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Friday, February 14, 2014

Girls Just Wanna' Have Fun

I am the first to admit that I am a warm weather type of person.  My goal is to live near/on the beach where it is warm and I can play in the ocean all day.  I dream of a view that looks something like this:

Unfortunately,  my current view is this:

I'm a Colorado girl born and raised.  We moved from there  about 7 years ago, but I still live too far north for my taste. I hate snow.  I'm tired of cold weather.  I would love to see more sunshine! So what's a sun loving, warm weather wishing, ocean adoring girl like me supposed to do?

Well, Sometimes you've got to find a way to make your own fun wherever you find yourself.  So, yesterday when I woke up to more snow, which meant more shoveling, I was unenthused.  I trudged out in layers to go shovel, yet again.  I promptly became bored to tears.  I mean, I've been shoveling snow for a many, many, many years.  Blah.  So, what's a girl to do when she finds herself  bored and tired of the same old same old?  Make your own fun.  And that's what I did.

I made a re-creation of the famous Calvin and Hobbs snowman being chased by snowsharks.

I made bigger snowsharks.

I made snow sea serpents around our driveway.

And I put smiley faces on the bushes.

It wasn't a big snowfall but it was enough to have a little fun with.  And I see that the forecast for next week is calling for a little warmer weather.  YEAH!  So, I hope you have a fun filled Friday!  I know I will.

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