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Friday, November 22, 2013

Love in action....Who do you admire?

The question was asked, "Who do you most admire in life?"  And, I actually had a lot of answers to that question. I admire a lot of different people for different reasons.  But then I saw this video of this woman,  Mama Hill, and  honestly.. she's my answer to this question.

Wow!  She is love in action.  She is who I should emulate.  She is who I should aspire to be like.  What an amazing woman!

What I truly love about what she is doing is the simplicity of it.  She shares love with all she comes into contact with.  This is something we all can do, wherever we are.

It comes back to that basic desire for human connection.  These days, we are connected all the time.  We are connected by our cell phones, the internet, T.V.'s etc....  And while I appreciate the connection that these items bring, they can be impersonal.  It's hard to hug someone through a piece of technology.  The little smiley face icon cannot possibly take the place of a real, honest, face to face smile.

I think people long to be seen by someone else.  There's something about being physically present with someone that touches the soul.  It's too easy to treat someone in a cold or inhumane manner when you are not looking at them face to face.  As much as technology helps us communicate, it also allows us to keep a distance from others.  And I think our society is instinctively feeling the loss of the soul connection we can feel with someone when we are physically in each others presence.

What brings that young woman in the video to tears is not the physical items that Mama Hill has given her,  it's the face to face interaction.  The fact that another human being actually saw her, actually spent the time to connect with her in a very real and loving way.  That's what has impacted her life.

So the challenge I am going to take from Mama Hill is to make sure that I take the time to connect with people face to face.  When I am out and about, I am going to try to really look at people's faces and smile at them.  It doesn't hurt me to smile at someone.  And, it's a simple way to connect, even if I do not speak to them or see them again.  I am going to actively look for ways to connect with others face to face.  Simple love.  No big or convoluted plans.  How easy is that?

So, Mama Hill, I salute you! You inspire me to be better and do better.  You have a lifelong admirer in me.

And so I ask you, who do you admire?

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