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Thursday, November 14, 2013

People of Influence....

So, I will admit that this blog is inspired by a Youtube video I watched about gratitude and happiness.   In the video they had various people write down the name of a person who had a positive influence on them. They also had them write a paragraph about this person.  Then, they had them call this person over the phone right then and there and read the paragraph to them.  I believe it was one of the most touching things I have ever witnessed.  And, it is what inspires this post today.  There are a few people that I want to publicly acknowledge.  I want others to understand how amazing these people really are.

To My Dad (Paul Clark):  Even though I'm a grown woman, a part of me will always be your little girl, and you will always be my first hero.  You taught me how to serve God with my whole heart.  I watched growing up as you gave time, comfort, love, and care to others in need. When you dedicated a new baby at the church I learned how to celebrate new  life and family.  When you married a young couple you taught me about commitment and love.  When you conducted a funeral, you taught me how to grieve but still cling to the joy that will some day come when we  all are reunited up in heaven.  You gave me a love for the beauty of the outdoors (even if I still don't like camping).  I get my love for playing board and card games from you (and probably my competitiveness).  Your love for reading has inspired my love for reading. We share a sense of humor (although I think my sense of humor sometimes tests you).  You are a fantastic Grandpa!  When I think of words like integrity and honor, I think of you.  I love you Dad!  You have been a person of great influence in my life, and I thank you.

To My Mom (Verna Clark):  Your are my hero!  You taught me to love fiercely and without reservation.  You have taught me the importance of hard work.  You are the embodiment of a woman who is beautiful inside and out!  You have taught me the importance of service and sacrifice.  You gave me my love for music (remember when we sang the song "Second Hand Faith" together?).  You have shown me how to live fully, no matter what the circumstances.  You have taught me to face life with courage, joy, integrity, faith, and to embrace it with everything I have!  You have taught me how to give generously.  You have taught me how to forgive others generously.  You gave me my love for good food! You have taught me to try new things fearlessly. Your are an amazing Grandma! You are a woman worthy of great honor, and I hope that you feel honored not only today, but for the rest of your days!  When I think of words like courage, dignity, and joy, I think of you.  I love you Mom!  You have been a person of great influence in my life, and I thank you.

To My Husband (Jeff Benintendi):  You are my Superman!  You have taught me the true meaning of the word love.  You have encouraged me to live life fearlessly.  You have taken every good thing thing in my life and improved upon it, expanded it, and made it bigger and better than I could have ever dreamed.   You are my prince charming.  You are my best friend.  You are handsome, smart, funny, and courageous.  You are a man of integrity and honor.  You are faithful and you keep your promises.  You make me laugh (you don't always mean to, but you do).  You are not afraid to try new things.  You are my biggest cheerleader.  You have given me a love for the ocean and exploration.  You are an awesome father!  You are an unbelievable husband!  You are an amazing son!  You are a true man of God!  You are a blessing!  You are a loyal friend!  You are my true North, my lighthouse when I am lost, and my home.  I love you Jeff!  You have been a person of great influence in my life, and I thank you.

There are many other people in my life who have greatly impacted my life, but my blog can only be so long, and I am already sitting here a sobbing crying mess.  Just know, that I am grateful for you!

I encourage you today to do this in your own life.  To let someone who has greatly impacted your life know how thankful you are for them!

"I can no other answer make but thanks, thanks; and ever thanks."  Shakespeare

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