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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Just call me a rule breaker....

On a recent visit to D.C we went to Arlington National Cemetery.  They had this sign posted to remind people of the rules and regulations there.  It also was a reminder that this was a place that deserved to be treated with respect.   As we walked through, there were a lot of signs with rules to follow posted everywhere.  It was interesting to me how many of those signs they had. 

I've heard people say that they do not want to become a Christ follower/Christian because there are just too many rules to follow.  Which led me to start thinking about how many rules and laws we actually have to follow just in every day life.

Do you know that there are over 900 Traffic laws on the books in the state where I live?  Wow!  That's a lot of rules.  And, I discovered, while helping my teenager study for his learner's permit, that I'm quite the little rule breaker.  Hmmmm.  That's a lot of rules to follow, but I seem to have no problem trying to follow them (even if I break some of them at times).

And, although I see the value of rules and laws, both as a citizen and as a Christ Follower,  there seems to be a lot of "rules" out there that are just plain ridiculous.  Case in point.... I began to look up some of the obscure, ridiculous, and often weird laws that have made the books here in the U.S.A. and this is what I've discovered:

Apparently we have a larger camel population than I knew, and we have laws in place about their usage and what not.

  In Arizona it is prohibited to hunt camels.

  In Idaho you may not fish  while on a camels back.

  In Nevada it is illegal to drive a camel on the highway.

And it's not just camels.  We have a lot of rules regarding all kinds of wildlife.

In Missouri it is unlawful to drive down the highway with an uncaged bear in your car.  And Massachusetts doesn't allow you to drive with a gorilla in the back seat of any car.

In Alaska  it is considered an offense to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose and it is also an    offense to push a live moose out of an airplane.  Ummmm.... ok.

In Little Rock, Arkansas it is unlawful to walk one's cow down main street after 1p.m. on Sunday.
(I'll file that away for future reference)

In California it is illegal to own a green or smelly animal hide (why would you want to?).  And while in California remember that it is illegal to lick the toads (again, why would you want to?).  You also cannot hunt moths under a street light and it is illegal to drive MORE THAN 2000 sheep down Hollywood Blvd.  Oh, and you can't carry a fish into a bar.  (So, this guy walks into a bar in California carrying a fish and ends up doing 15 to life.)

Termite farms are not allowed within Miami City Limits.  OK.  Got it. And you may not bring your
pig to the beach. That's ok, they tend to sunburn anyway.

If you are visiting Atlanta, you can't tie your giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.  And if you
are in Louisiana you may not tie your alligator to a fire hydrant.

In Galesburg, Illinois you can't keep a smelly dog.  In Maryland it's illegal to take a lion to the movies.  He will just have to watch the Lion King at home. You may not use an elephant to plow your cotton fields in North Carolina.

In Michigan it is illegal to paint sparrows to sell them as parakeets. In Kentucky it is illegal to fish with a bow and arrow.  In Tennessee it is illegal to use a lasso to catch a fish.  And in Ohio it's illegal to get a fish drunk.  It is illegal to go whale fishing while in Nebraska.  Ok, let that last one sink in.  If you still don't get it, look at a map (here's a hint-- what lake in Nebraska houses whales?).

In Kansas no one may wear a bee in your hat.  You can't cross Wisconsin state lines with a duck atop your head.   And remember  that you cannot take photos of rabbits in Wyoming from January to April.

We also seem to have problems with people using their missiles and guns inappropriately along with using nuclear devices in the wrong places.

In Colorado throwing missiles at cars is illegal. In Destin, Florida torpedoes may not be set off in the city.  In Montana it is illegal to bring a bomb or rocket to city council meetings.  Missiles may not be shot at  parade participants in  Wisconsin.  In South carolina you can fire a missile, you just have to get the proper permit first.

In Washington you may not carry a concealed weapon that is over 6 feet in length.  Ummmmm,  I'm 5' 4", I don't think that will be a problem for me.  It is contrary to Pennsylvania law to discharge a gun, CANNON, revolver (isn't that a gun?) or other explosive weapon at a wedding (because nothing says our love is going to last forever like firing a cannon). In Deming, New Mexico, make sure you don't hunt in the Mountain View Cemetery, it's illegal (seriously?  What's wrong with people!) And if you have participated in in a public duel in West Virginia, you need to kiss your political career goodbye because you cannot hold a public office.

In California detonating a Nuclear Device within the city limits will result in a $500 fine.  Oh, and if you are in Aspen, Colorado,  make sure you do not fire your catapult at a building.

Everywhere you look there rules and regulations.  Some of them are silly.

Whistling underwater is prohibited in West Virginia.  In California bowling down a sidewalk is illegal. In Connecticut it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.  The molestation of trash cans is banned in Dayton, Florida. One armed piano players must perform for free in Iowa.  Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of anothers hamburger.  Make sure you don't fall asleep outside on top of a refrigerator in Pennsylvania.  Don't lie down and fall asleep in the middle of a cheese factory in South Dakota.  In Delaware getting married on a dare is grounds for annulment  (I would have thought that one would be on the books in Nevada).  In Montana it is illegal to operate a vehicle with ice picks attached to the wheels. (hehehe , that one stirs up a funny mental picture of Jeff's car and ice picks).   And whatever you do, do not walk down the street carrying a paper bag containing a violin in Utah.  At a wake in Massachusetts mourners may eat no more than 3 sandwiches.  Actually, I think that last one may be practical now that I think about it.

And some of our laws are downright disturbing and strange.

It is illegal to cause a catastrophe in Utah.  It's illegal to sell one's eye in Texas (say what?).  In Charleston, South Carolina the Fire department apparently has the right to blow up your house.  No one may bite off another's leg in Rhode Island (I seriously don't even want to know). In Sea Isle City in New Jersey there will be no boiling of bones on the property (ewwwwww). Drivers in Oregon must yield to pedestrians who are standing on the sidewalk.  Sounds to me like drivers in Oregon need to learn how to drive on the road.  In Georgia is it illegal for one to make a disturbing sound at a fair. Huh.  That seems to be all I hear at a fair is disturbing sounds. It is illegal to roll a barrel on any street in Pensacola, Florida.  Fines go up according to the contents of the barrel (so what would be the fine for having a body in there?).  At Satellite Beach in Florida persons may not appear in public clothed in liquid latex. That creates a disturbing mental picture.  In Indiana make sure you do not throw an old computer across the street at your neighbor.  In Maine,  advertisements may not be placed in a cemetery. (Truly?)  If you are going to bite someone in Louisiana, make sure you bite them with your natural teeth.  Biting with your natural teeth is "simple assault," while biting someone with your false teeth is "aggravated assault."  In Michigan,  it is LEGAL for a robber to file a lawsuit if he or she got hurt in your house while robbing it.  Nice.   And finally, the last law.... in New Jersey it is illegal to wear a bullet proof vest while committing a murder.

So, I guess my point in all this is that we all live with rules and regulations all the time.  And many of the rules and laws are not really needed or useful.  Some of these rules are just made up by politicians and lawmakers.  As far as the rules for being a  Christian, you should measure any "rule" that is told to you against what the Bible says.  There are a lot of "rules" that are stated that are made up by mankind.  They don't have any basis in what God asks you to do.

I'm not saying that I'm against rules and law.  They play a big role in keeping our society in order.  They can give us the proper guidance to do what is right.  I'm just saying don't get so caught up in it all, that you forget to use common sense.

And, here's how I view being a Christ follower (and I will once again state that I  am not a minister nor do I proclaim to be a great theological expert) for me there are really 2 big rules that I follow.
1.  Love God.  2. Love others.  The rest of the stuff tends to sort itself out.  So, if you are hesitant about being in a relationship with God because of the rules, I ask you to start with those 2 basics.  And then, begin to read the Bible and pray.  God will lead you in the right direction.

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