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Friday, January 3, 2014

Ready for a "Do-over"

"I call a do-over!"  Did you ever say this as a kid?  Have you ever wanted to say this as an adult?  I know I have done both.  I think that is part of the reason we celebrate the coming of a new year.  It's a way that we can kind of call a "do-over."

We had a light dusting of snow last night and this morning, everything was coated with a light cover of fresh, crisp, new snow.  So, I decided to go for a little morning walk with my camera... and here is what I found....

My walk was a very short one because it was pretty frigid out.  And as you can see from the last photo, something else ( a deer)  had already made tracks through the fresh snow.  

My point is this, that a new year is a little like a fresh new covering of snow just waiting for you to walk across it and lay your tracks in it.  You get to decide where to leave your mark, and how to leave your mark.  It's all up to you.  It's kind of like a "do-over."  You can move in a new direction.  You can make a new path.  Don't be afraid to step out and create a new road for yourself.  Try new things.  So, my challenge to you and to myself is to take this new year and lay down some fresh tracks.

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