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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Over it! Remembering that there is purpose in your life.

2014 has certainly had an interesting start so far.  First, a record breaking cold snap hit most of the U.S.  including the state where I live.  Then, because of the cold snap we had electrical outages and broken pipes in our local schools.  And right on the heels of that, we had a chemical spill into our local water system.  All of which has caused my son to only have 2 days of school this year.  Let me say this, while I adore spending time with my child and I am very aware that soon he will be grown and gone, right now, currently, we are both a little sick of each other.  And, I've been feeling a little "Over it" all.

When my husband moved us across the country 6 1/2 years ago to West Virginia for a job opportunity, I was a little reluctant, but knew that it was a great career opportunity for him.  Since living here, I have had my moments of, "Dear Lord, what am I doing here away from all my family and all that was familiar to me?"  And, if I am being totally honest, I still have some of those moments, a few of which have happened in the last few weeks.  Now, I know people get all bent out of shape when I say this and say things like, "Why don't you just move then?"

So, why don't I just move?  Well, Jeff's job has been a tremendous blessing financially for us.  And, he loves his job, which is important because he spends a huge amount of time working.  I am proud of him.  I want the best for him.  Keagan is established and halfway through High School.  He has made some great friends.  He is actively involved in the Marching Band, Ski Club, and the Track Team.  He is happy here and that is important.  We have all met and made some wonderful, amazing, close friends here.  We have built a good life here. The people of West Virginia overall are very friendly, loyal, and kind.  It is a  place where you really do get to know your neighbors. The state if full of natural beauty.  Springtime is just amazing here and fall is gloriously stunning.  All of which are good and compelling reasons to not move.

But truthfully, my main reason for remaining here is purpose.  I truly believe that right now, this is where we are meant to be.  Even in my few moments of wishing to be elsewhere, I know that this is where I am supposed to be right now.  There is a reason that God has placed me here.  My job is to make sure that I do not miss out on fulfilling or carrying out what God wants me to do here.   I believe that there are moments in time where I am placed at a point of opportunity.  Moments when my actions or decisions can have a greater impact on not just me, but those around me.  You see, it's not all about me.

I guess my point to all this rambling is to say this.  In life you may find yourself in situations or places where you find yourself asking, "What am I doing here?" .  I actually think that is a good question, if you take the time to look for the answer.  There probably is a purpose, a reason why you find yourself where you are.  And, it is good to remember that life is not all about you.

So, my challenge for myself, and for you, is to remember there is a reason for any given situation in which you find yourself.  Find your purpose--it really does help ease any discomfort or unease that you may be feeling.  Remember that God has a good plan for you.

I'll leave you with a few photos of some of the natural beauty of the state of West Virginia.  These photos may help you to understand why they call it almost heaven.

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