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Friday, January 10, 2014

Opportunity-- Come on Over, my water is fine

This morning, I'm thinking about the word opportunity.  Defined, the word opportunity means a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.  Another definition states that opportunity is an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done.

This train of thought was sparked by a circumstance that is happening in the state I currently live in.  Yesterday there was a chemical leak into a local river, which then worked it's way into one of the local water suppliers.  This has caused the governor to issue a state of emergency in which all the customers of this specific water supplier cannot use the water at all, not even to launder clothing.  I have a different water supplier, so my house is not affected.  However, my son's school is closed because they are affected.  They have estimated that over 100,000 people are now without usable water. And this is where the "Opportunity" piece comes in.

This situation has created an opportunity of sorts for people.  It has been interesting for me to watch how people have used this opportunity, both in a good way and in a bad way.  Some have used this circumstance to blame those in charge.  Others have used this occasion as an excuse to behave badly, i.e. go into a local store and steal bottled water.  Some have used this opportunity to push their specific political beliefs or about how everyone should prepare for the "end".  And yet, others have used this opportunity to reach out to others around them and offer free water to those who do not have it.

What I find interesting is that everyone mentioned above had the same "opportunity" to do something.  They just chose differently. Which then spurred me to fire up those little brain cells and start to think about how I react to the various opportunities I encounter day to day.  Now, I would love to say, that upon my moment of self-reflection,  that I always respond to the opportunities set before me in a non-selfish way.  However, that would not be truthful.  Hmmmm....

So, what do I take away from all this?  Well, my challenge to myself and to you is to actively look for ways to respond to opportunities in a positive way.  To take a few minutes before I respond to a situation or opportunity to make sure that my reaction is focused more on being helpful than selfish. To not pass up an opportunity to help someone else.  To be more aware of those around me.

So, to anyone who reads this little blog of mine who may be in need of water, come on over!  My water is fine!

I'll leave you with a few photos of good clean water.

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