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Monday, February 2, 2015

Well Placed Words.....

I have been thinking about the impact of words, particularly the impact of well placed words.  Whether we want to believe it or not, words have power.  I have been listening to what my sons friends talk about, -- their concerns, their thoughts, their feelings, etc....  And they, as a whole, are greatly affected, positively and negatively,  by the words they hear.

This is not new knowledge.  We have known that what is said can have an impact on someone else's life.  And  we as a nation have had many countless debates about what we should be saying to our young people, and to others around us.  And of course, because we are human, and because we all have a deep need to be "right," we debate endlessly on how this should be done, what should be said.  There is one theory that says we shouldn't "build them up too much"  with our words.  Then there is the theory that you can't "build them up enough" with positive words.  One is too lenient, one is too harsh.  And somewhere in between is what I believe most of us strive for.

Young people are naturally going to follow the examples of those who are older (whether they admit it or not), those who have influence on them.  Just simply telling them how they should use their words doesn't cut it.  We must be an example.  And as an example, we, as adults, often fail at the art of using well placed words.  Look at those in politics-- they do not have conversations across party lines with the intent on achieving understanding and progress.  Instead, they spend their whole time figuring out how to discredit each other.  Newscasts are full of grim predictions.  Media reports regularly tout the problems of our young people-- they are lazy, disconnected, spoiled, etc...  And I will admit, that even I, as a parent, have lamented about some of the "problems" of our young people.  The words out there are many, especially in this new, very connected world,  but I ask you, are our words well placed? Or are they just adding more noise?

"Warn them before God against pious nitpicking, which chips away at the faith.  It just wears everyone out.  Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple.  Stay clear of pious talk that is only talk.  Words are not mere words, you know.  If they are not backed by a Godly life, they accumulate as poison in the soul."
                                                                                     2 Timothy 2:14-17 the message

"Refuse to get involved in inane discussions;  they always end up in fights.  God's servant must not be argumentative, but a gentle listener and a teacher who keeps cool, working firmly but patiently with those who refuse to obey."     2 Timothy 2:23-25  the message

When pondering the power of well placed words I immediately thought of  Gideon in the Bible.  In Judges 6:12 it states that:

"When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, "The Lord is with you mighty man of valor."

Wow!  What a great thing to have spoken to you by an angel of the Lord.  The word Valor means "Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle."  And I find these words interesting. They are interesting because of the circumstance in which the angel found Gideon.  You see, at this time the Israelites were being overrun by the people of Midian and Amalek.  The Midian and the Amalek were constantly invading and stealing everything, including food, from the Israelites.  The people of Israel were so afraid that they were hiding out in caves. And Gideon was found by the angel hiding in a winepress, fearfully threshing wheat.  And this was the circumstance that the angel walked into and pronounced Gideon as a mighty man of valor.  Isn't that just like God to see the vision of who you are going to be, rather than the current state of who you are?

But I want you to note that these words, declared by an angel of God no less, didn't immediately change Gideon's perception of himself.  I mean, my first thought is that if God's angel said these words to me, I would immediately rise up and believe them to be true.  But of course, words don't work that way, no matter who says them.  You see, while that one statement was powerful, and powerfully delivered, Gideon had other words running through his mind that had been placed there long before the angel showed up.  And these words had power as well.  The Bible doesn't go into detail about Gideon's life before this event, but I think Gideon's response shows us a brief glimpse into what he had heard all his life from others.

"But Lord, Gideon asked, how can I save Israel?  My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family."  Judges 6:15

Three times the Lord tells Gideon that he is brave, that he has strength, and that he will be victorious because he is being sent by God.  And yet, because of the words placed in Gideon from others, he couldn't believe the words God was saying about him.

The story goes on, and Gideon eventually does become the mighty man of valor that God has called him to be.  But, Gideon continues to struggle with uncertainty, with insecurity, with doubt in himself and in God.  That's the power words have on a person.  Words have the power to make a person even doubt what God says about them.

And so, my prayer is that God will help me speak well placed words.  Words that bring life, wisdom, peace, healing, and goodness to those around me.  I pray that most of all, the words I place into the life of my son are words that help him see the vision of the man that God wants him to become.  The man that God can help him to become.  I am already seeing glimpses of the man my son can be, and I am amazed.

My challenge to you is to look for opportunities  to speak well placed words.  Not for opportunities to win an argument, not for opportunities to tear others down, but instead for opportunities to share with them God's vision of love and who they can become in Christ.  Lets not add to the "noise."  Instead, let's make an impact with words well placed.

I'll leave you with a couple of photo's of my son.  He recently attended his H.S. Winter Formal.  As I was taking photo's of him all dressed up in his suit, I kept seeing an overlay of the man he is becoming shining through his teenaged face.  And all I could think was -  wow!  Keagan - God has great things in store for you!  Go out and be a mighty man of valor in your life.  Catch the vision of what God wants for you and what He has in store for you!

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