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Monday, February 9, 2015

Vision Casting.... Picturing How Great the World Could Be...

"What if instead of telling people how bad the world is, we start telling them how great the world could be."  Bianca Olthoff

Last week I started part of this conversation talking about the importance of well placed words.  I'm continuing this week with the thought of the power of well chosen words or Vision casting.  Did you know that sometimes your words are a type of vision casting?  By vision casting I mean using words to forecast or predict or influence a future outcome.

Think about that.  Here's an example of what I'm trying to get across:

Vision cast #1- This Godless world is in a free falling, downward spiral of sin, greediness, selfishness, hate, war, and depravity.

Vision cast #2 - The love of God can turn this sinful, desperate, despairing world into a joyous, caring, loving, and peaceful place.

The difference between these two statements is small, and yet BIG.  And what is the difference?  I believe the difference is hope.  Both statements acknowledge the faults and failings in this world, but only one statement offers hope and a solution.

"God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was.  He came to help, to put the world right again."  John 3:17  the message

Somewhere along the line we as Christians got horribly lost.  We tend to memorize John 3:16 and forget about the next verse.  We're so busy pointing an accusing finger, that we loose sight that the message of Jesus isn't about condemnation, but about hope.  You see, the Pharisees already had the condemnation part covered.  The part that was missing was the solution, the hope.  And sometimes, I must say that the church (and I am including myself in this "church"), casts the wrong vision.  Instead of casting a vision of hope, we cast a vision of hopelessness.  We put too much emphasis on the problem and not enough emphasis on the solution.  When we concentrate solely on the problem instead of the solution we are in effect refusing to acknowledge the power of God to step in and change the situation.  And that sounds like some dangerous ground to tread upon.

It is dangerous because we are not fulfilling our mission, what God has directly ordered us to do.  We are called to "share the good news," and to be "salt and light" to this world.  We are called to deliver the solution, not add to the problem.  It is important that we share the hope and solution with all we come into contact with, but I believe it is most important to cast this vision for our young people.  They have grown up in the "information age."  News from around the world is immediately available in real time.  And lets be real, most of the information available is not the uplifting, encouraging kind. Our news broadcasts are not filled with stories of hope.  It's overwhelming to me as an adult to be surrounded by all this information, I can't even imagine being surrounded and inundated with it as a young person.  No wonder they often seek solace in "fantasy" through games, or youtube, or other forms of electronic media.  The vision being cast for them by the adults in the world is grim.  They face worries of a polluted, more violent, less loving planet.  I would want to hide too.  And honestly, I sometimes do,  it's called Pinterest, and I am admittedly addicted.

The troubles of this world are not going to disappear anytime soon.  My challenge isn't to hide those problems, or to pretend that they don't exist. My challenge is to change the vision I am casting with my words.  My prayer is that my words cast a vision of hope, not despair.  That I speak louder, and more often about the solution,  than I do the problems.  That I model for those around me the hope of God instead of the the despair of the world.  To be a walking, talking, breathing example of what the love of a savior can do to lighten the dark places.

What vision are you casting?

I'll leave you with a few photos that remind me of how amazing God is.  And if you find yourself without a vision of hope today, I encourage you to begin seeking the hope that is already freely offered to you through Jesus.

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