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Monday, September 8, 2014

Hidden Things

Hidden things.  Everyone has them.  Those not so pretty aspects or areas in your life that are a source of pain, shame, or embarrassment.  Those things that you guard closely, in great fear  of discovery.  Those items that you think will cause others to view you differently.  Those things that you have heard others mention with disgust or derision in their voices, while you sit there in silence thinking, that's me, that's what is happening right now in my life. Or that's me, that's what has happened in my life.  These hidden things cast shadows on our soul.  Dark spots.

I'm talking about things like infidelity, financial hardships, bankruptcy, rebellious children, addiction, teenage sex, marital problems, depression, mental health problems, struggles with faith and belief, the  effects of illness and disease, pornography, poverty, anger, disappointment, abortion, teenage pregnancy, divorce, job loss,  deceit, and the list goes on (or in other words, you fill in the blank with whatever hidden issue you struggle with).

We, as a church, don't talk about these things, unless it's to gossip about these "hidden spots" in other people's lives.  We like to "sanitize" things. These are the hard subjects that we stay away from.  They are the elephants we each carry into the room, sitting there casting large shadows, while everyone studiously ignores or pretends not to see them.  These things make us uncomfortable.  These things create in us a deep sense of vulnerability.  We often are crushed under the shame that these hidden things make us feel.  And, so, because of our discomfort.  Because of our sense of self preservation.  We don't talk about our hidden things.  To anyone.  EVER. And by not talking to someone about it, by not sharing the burden with someone, we give these hidden things great power over our life.

"Live creatively, friends.  If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving all your critical comments for yourself.  You might be needing forgiveness before the day's out.  Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed.  Share their burdens, and so complete Christ's law.  If you think you are too good for that, you are badly deceived."  Galatians 6:1-3  the Message

I don't believe that God intended for church to be sanitized.  I believe he intended the church to be right in the middle of the muck and the mess of everyday life.  And this requires us to be authentic.  This requires us to be willing talk about and acknowledge the hard stuff.  The hidden things.  It requires us, as Christ followers to get our hands dirty.  It's one thing to verbally express sympathy for  someone and yet a far different thing to be willing to wade right into the water with a drowning person, grab their hand, and help them swim.  It requires the willingness to not only help others bear their Hidden Things, but to also be open to letting others help you with yours.

This world is longing for authenticity.  People, christian and non-christian alike, are desperate to find a soft place to land.  And the church should be that place.  It should be a place where people can come and discuss the hard things. A place where love triumphs over judgement.  A place where you can build authentic relationships with others who will help carry your burden.  A place where you can share your story without fear or shame.  A place where you can truthfully express your doubts and concerns.  A place where you can ask the hard questions.  A place of freedom.  A place of forgiveness.

To be honest,  I'm tired of a church that refuses to actually talk about and deal with these hidden things in a loving and caring way.  I'm tired of the "war cries" that scream louder than cries of compassion, caring, love, and forgiveness.  And, looking at some of the recent church statistics,  I'm not the only one in my generation who is feeling that way.  My generation is leaving the church in staggering numbers.  I believe that my generation is looking for authentic love.

I want authenticity.  I want to be a part of a church that is real.  I want to be a part of a church that goes beyond speaking about love.  I want to be a part of a church that IS love in action.  And so, this change starts with me.  I help make up the church.  I contribute to the culture of the church.  And so I am praying that God helps me to be authentic.  I am praying that God gives me the wisdom and courage to talk about the hard, hidden things with people in a loving, compassionate, and caring way. I am praying that God helps me to boldly reach out to those around me and help bear their burden.  I am praying that God helps me to speak with love and compassion, not with judgement and condemnation,  at all times, for I never know who is listening, and what hidden things they are dealing with.  I am praying that God helps me to personify love in action.  I am praying that God will help me live out Galatians 6:1-13.

Speaking of hidden things.  This glass sculpture is beautiful.  When you look at it from a distance it is stunning.  But I think you can only truly understand this piece once you draw closer and take a look at the "hidden things" within the piece.  Have a great day!

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