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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring is Coming!

This morning as I sit here listening to the birds make all kinds of happy noises, I am reminded that Spring is coming!  It is supposed to be a beautiful 70 degrees today.  Hallelujah!

I think that I am speaking for a lot of us in saying that spring cannot get here soon enough.  I am ready to shake off the greys of winter and move on to the fresh green of spring. I have begun to see buds forming on the trees and I can't wait until they start to leaf out.

I am ready for flowers, and the sound of happy bees collecting pollen, and tree frogs singing at night, and fuzzy caterpillars, and blue skies! I am ready to be outside in the sunshine.  I am ready to be warm.

I like color, and springtime around here presents an amazing array of colors to view.  I don't know if it's the lack of color in the winter that makes the colors seem so brilliant, or if they truly are that way.  But I love how bright the greens are, how white the whites are, how pink the pinks are etc…. in the springtime.

In other words, I am ready for fresh new color in my life!  How about you?  To me, spring is always a reminder to jump back into life with full force.  I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to sit and kind of hibernate during the last part of January clear through the middle of March.  It's easy during those months to just sit back and let life pass by.  I get a little too comfortable with the status quo.  But, I really don't want to live my life that way.  You miss too much when you do.  

So my challenge to myself and to you is to take this spring season and jump back into life!  It's time to come out of the cave and experience all that life has to offer.  Try new things.  Get out and explore!  Look for signs of new life.  Enjoy the things that bring sunshine into your life.  Get ready, because Spring is Coming!

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