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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Most Beautiful Day.....

This is the time of year where we throw around words like peace, joy, and happy.  And, I truly love those words, and the deep meaning that I associate with them.  However, as I look back on this year, and my life as a whole, only one word comes to mind.  That word is grateful.

As I sit here typing, my house is quiet and calm.  My guys are sleeping.  I am not sleeping because Jeff brought home some chocolate covered coffee beans, which I greatly enjoyed, but are now keeping me awake.  My cat is up with me and he is currently standing in front of my screen and pushing random items off my desk, like pens and papers.  I am looking out my window at the Christmas lights, and I am feeling all of those words I mentioned above:  peace, joy, happiness.  But mostly, I am feeling grateful.

"Every spare moment we have is a chance to practice gratitude."

"God thunders marvelously with His voice;  He does great things which we cannot comprehend."  Job 37:5

I am grateful that I can't sleep right now because it has given me time to sit here and just reflect quietly.  And as I do so, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude and thanksgiving.  My life is filled with infinite blessings.  I can't even count them all, for they are numerous.  I don't even have enough words to express my gratitude as eloquently as I would like.

I am grateful for the materials things, such as my house and my car, etc...  But that's not not what is really stirring this feeling of gratitude.  What I am completely in awe of are the blessings that are a little less tangible.

I am grateful for God's never ending grace and mercy.  I am so grateful that I can screw up royally, and yet still feel the love and grace of God in my life.  I am grateful that every day I can, and do, learn something new.  I am grateful for the shared moments I had today with my son and husband.  I am grateful that today I had the chance to feel the sun on my face, even if it was a little cold outside.  I am grateful for a cat that makes me laugh.  I am grateful for the Christmas music that I have been listening to. And the list goes on and on.  I just feel like my life is an amazing gift, and I'm so thankful for all of it.

My challenge to myself and to you today is to take a little time each day during this busy season and just pause, and be grateful.  To find joy in the ordinary.  Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.

Merry Christmas!

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