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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Perfect Gift

Ok..... it's time for me to admit it.  I completely suck at this whole Christmas gift idea.  Not that I don't give gifts at Christmas time or that my gifts are bad.  What I am no good at is waiting until the ACTUAL day to give the gift, especially if it's a good gift.

Let's take this year for example.  My parents came to visit us for Thanksgiving.  I had talked to my husband ahead of time and we agreed that we would have them open their Christmas while they were here on Thanksgiving Day.  Now, in my defense, this gift has involved months and months of planning.  I've known about this gift and have been planning this gift since the springtime.  So, my parents arrive and I'm so excited to see their faces that I totally cave the first night they are here and give them their gift.  FAIL...

My husband's Christmas has already arrived and is sitting in the garage.  Of course, his gift is one that he picked out for himself, but still, this falls in the failure category.  And, there's no way it can fit under the tree.  I guess I could plop a big old bow on it for Christmas day, but what's the point in doing it now? My sons gifts are wrapped and sitting under the tree.  So, I guess that's something.  However, he already knows what it is so that can also count as a FAIL.

You see,  I love the giving part of Christmas.  It's my favorite thing to do.  I especially love to give gifts that are unexpected.  I love to watch the face of someone  when they receive that unexpected gift. For me, the saying that it is more blessed to give than to receive, is true.  I feel so overwhelmed by the blessings that I've been given that to not share that blessing would be, in my mind, criminal.  And I find that the more I try to reach out and bless others, the more blessed I become.

Of course, I learned about giving precious and unexpected gifts from the best.  God's gift of his son to the world was and still is the best, most unexpected, amazing, beautiful gift ever given.  And I am so thankful for that gift.  I'm so overwhelmed by that gift. In my imagination ( and believe me, I have a vast and weird imagination), I can almost sense the joy that God has whenever someone opens up and accepts his wonderful, extravagant, amazing gift.  Wow!

So, this season, I want you to really enjoy giving gifts.  Big, small, or otherwise.  Really take the time to relish in the simple act of giving.  Share that joy.

Well, as you probably know, I love Kid President.  So here is his latest video about the Perfect Gift. And it's my gift to you. Enjoy.

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