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Friday, December 13, 2013

Take a Time Out....

Does it seem like Christmas is rushing in this year?  It sure seems like it to me.  It's almost as if this year is in a hurry to be over with.  You see, I'm a compulsive list maker, and right now, as I am sitting here looking at my list of things to accomplish before years end, I have the distinct feeling that I need to hurry up and rush to get it all done.  Yet, even as I am feeling that compulsion, I am also sensing a need to slow down, soak it all in, and enjoy the little moments that will only happen this year.

I'll admit, I wasn't going to blog today thinking that I really didn't have the time.  And I was going to skip through my breakfast and coffee this morning instead of slowing down and enjoying them in front of the Christmas tree.  But then I began to just think about this past year and about how blessed I am.

So, I decided to slow down and take a time out.  If I don't get everything accomplished on my list for today, I can always do it tomorrow.  But this time to slow down and just enjoy this particular moment today won't come again.  Admittedly, I'll have a different opportunity tomorrow to slow down, but it won't be the same.

So, I took a few moments to just sit back and enjoy the way my coffee tasted.  The way the lights on the Christmas tree cast shadows on the walls.  To enjoy a short cuddle with my cat, and to laugh at him as he went to explore (and chew on) the presents sitting under the tree. To enjoy a peacefully quiet house.

And I am now taking a few minutes to blog and remind you the importance of taking a time out.  To encourage you to take a few brief minutes to just enjoy the moment.  So, watch this video and take a  little time to just relax and enjoy!

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