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Monday, October 21, 2013

Thank You!

I find it interesting that our society has found the need to create days in which we thank people for everything they have done.  Don't get me wrong, I love to celebrate those days just like everyone else, but I wonder,  would we even think to thank these people if it weren't for that special day?  And why should we have to be reminded to thank people like our moms, dads, teachers, bosses etc...

"I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks; and ever thanks."  Shakespeare

"Every time we remember to say thank you, we experience nothing less than heaven on earth."

So today, I'm up with a simple message:  Thank You!

"Dear God, I want to take a minute not to ask for anything, but to just thank you for all that you do for me."

There will never be enough words to express my thanks to God.  EVER.  Just thinking about how to express my thanks with my limited vocabulary is overwhelming.  The blessings and gifts that I need to thank God for are innumerable.  So, I'll keep it simple, and borrow from Shakespeare by saying,  THANKS, and THANKS; and EVER THANKS!

To my Mom and Dad:  Thank you for everything you have done for me.  The sacrifice, the advice, the love, the correction, the stability you provided, and on and on.... Thank you.  For spending your lives in service to others.  Thank you.  For bringing the love of Jesus to the people of Colorado.  Thank you.  For being amazing grandparents.  Thank you.

To my favorite brother and his family:  Thank you!  You have given me the most adorable, amazing, fun, rambunctious, nephews!  Thank you for the sacrifices you made in order to bring the love of Jesus to the people of Japan!  Thank you for everything you do to bring the love of Jesus to the people of Colorado.  For being a fabulous Uncle and Aunt to my son, thank you!

To my son:  Thank you for bringing joy and laughter to my life!  Thank you for your sweet love, your great work ethic, your intellect, your fabulous smile, your amazing laugh, and for the simple privilege of being your mother.

To my husband:  Thank you for choosing me to be your bride (best decision of my life!).  Thank you for loving me, supporting me, partnering with me, and laughing with me.  Thank you for being a great father to our son.  Thank you for working hard and providing for our family.  Thank you for sharing the good and bad times with me.  I am humbled and honored by your love.

To my Mother and Father in law:  Thank you for raising such an amazing son!  Thank you for the sacrifices you have made as parents for your children.  Thank you for the support and love you have shown me.  It is a honor to be part of your family.  Thank you for being incredible grandparents!

To my favorite brother in law and family:  Thank you!  You have given me the most beautiful, amazing, and talented nieces!  Thank you for your love, support, and friendship!  Thank you for being a fabulous Aunt and Uncle!

To my friends:  Thank you for praying with and for me.  Thank you for shared laughter and tears.  Thank you for becoming sisters and brothers.  Thank you for your support, your advice, your companionship, and your love!

To Pastors:  I have known many throughout the years.  Thank you for your sacrifice.  Thank your for sharing your wisdom and advice.  Thank you for your love and support.

To Teachers:  Both those who taught me and those who are teaching my son.  Thank you for encouraging us to learn.  Thank you for introducing us to music, literature, art, math, history and so much more.  Thank you for your encouragement.  Thank you for challenging us to do more, do better, to continue on.

To all those faceless people who provide services for me daily:  From the mail delivery people to the truck drivers who drive goods across this nation, to the utility workers, to the janitors, to the farmers, to the police officers/fire fighters/military/FBI agents,  and all those people in between.  Thank you for everything you do.  I may never meet you or see what you are doing, but I am thankful for you.

Thank you for reading my blogs.  They are just some ramblings from a grateful person about life, but I appreciate your support and encouragement.

I just want to say to all of you,  Thanks, and thanks; and ever thanks!

"Each morning, when you open your eyes, think only three things:  thank you, thank you, and thank you.  Then set out to make the best use of the gift of this day that you can."

So thankful for this beautiful world we live in.  I'll leave you today with just a few photos.

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