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Friday, August 23, 2013

My sense of humor earns me countless uneasy stares.

"A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face."  Proverbs 15:13.  This is one of my favorite verses from the Bible.   I love to laugh and have fun!  I love to be around people who like to laugh and have fun!  It's uplifting.  That being said,  I often feel like this quote-

"My sense of humor earns me countless uneasy stares."

I also relate to this quote-

"It's just a matter of time before they add the word 'syndrome' after my last name."

Life is funny.  I have to sit back and laugh at my self all the time.  Now, I understand that there are things in life that aren't funny.  There are times to be serious.  There's a lot of bad stuff happening all over the world.  Bad things happen in my life also.  It's life.  But have you ever met someone who spends their whole time living in the "bad stuff"?  Or, have you watched a news channel for  a whole day?  Ugh!  It's depressing.

I used to feel that everything I did, said, was part of,  had to have a seriousness about it.  And I felt that some of the stuff that I truly enjoy doing (like scrapbooking, photography, decorating, crafting, reading, cooking) was somehow not as significant, or had less value.  The seriousness of the world overwhelmed me.  And, unfortunately,  I often found humor in situations that people viewed as solemn or sacred.  With me being a preachers daughter, you can probably foresee the problems that caused.

I'm going to just tell one story here about that.  Please do not be offended.  And I have to say I loved this dear lady with all of my heart and soul.  She was wonderful and I cried like a baby when I sung at her funeral.  Louise was an amazing lady who, in her later years, had a great move of God in her life.  She was so excited about what God was doing, and she was so thankful about all God had done.

One Sunday, my dad asked the congregation if anyone had a testimony they wished to share with everyone.  Louise stood right up, and with all seriousness said, "Pastor, I'm so grateful today.  God has really changed my heart towards people.  In fact, God's helped me so much that this week the only person I told to go to hell was the devil."  And she sat down.  I held it together pretty well until I looked at my dad's face.  The combination of his face, and what was just said was too much for me.  I snickered..  LOUDLY.  Needless to say, I'm so grateful that Louise also had a great sense of humor and never let my "out loud" snicker offend her.  Others were plenty offended for her, and believe me I heard about it.  And I'm sorry, but I still remember this story with humor and fondness for a dear lady I once knew.

What I have discovered in life is that I need balance.  The fun loving creative side of me is an important part of me.  I need to give it as much time as the "serious, business" side of me.  I'm much more fun to be around when I am balancing both seriousness and laughter in my life. So, don't be afraid to have fun!

I saw this quote today and loved it.  It said, "Some days I just want to drink coffee, create stuff, and sleep."

In honor of this quote (and yes, here is the part that involves pictures.  Truthfully, I probably would have skipped the first part and just scrolled down to the photos).

I dearly love my morning coffee:

And here is my epic mom and photographer failure of this week:

Seriously?  I love to take photographs.  My son is very handsome.  
And THIS is the photo I managed to capture.   

 However, I somehow managed to get a good photo of our cat,

Our neighbors cat

and a flower from the garden

I'm sorry son, I have failed you.

And now to the create side of things.  I was gone most of the summer and my poor little porch looked sad.  So I revamped it a little by cleaning up the Lanterns and putting Vinyl Initials on them.  Oh, and I watered my poor plants.

My other failure-- I didn't blog yesterday.  Now I could lie and say that with the first day of school and everything my plate was too full.  No, I went shopping.  I went down to the Capital Market and bought fantastic cheese and produce.  I stopped at Joe's Fish Market and bought amazing, yummy fish for our meals this weekend.  And I bought this:

A cute little butter holder since our other butter holder had such a weird handle no one could lift it.

I also redid Keagan's Bathroom counter 


And last but not least, I'm putting new valances in the kitchen and breakfast room


Breakfast nook

and we are still deciding on what will be the after.  It will be one of these 3

Now, if you've stayed with me thus far, bless your little heart.  If anyone wants the valances I just took down let me know and I'll get them too you.  There's nothing wrong with them, I was just ready for something new.

Thanks!  Have a great day!  And remember to laugh.

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