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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bougainvillea Disappointment... this is not how I pictured it in my head

I cannot even begin to describe to you my excitement this spring when, while walking through the Capital Market, I saw Bougainvillea for sale.  I have loved this climbing, brilliantly flowered vine since I first spotted them in California and Arizona years ago.  My love only grew this summer when we saw them all over Mediterranean. As I talked to the lady at the stand, she said that although they would not winter over if left outside, I could bring them in for the winter and they would be fine.  She said they would do well over the summer and liked the humid climate. Even better, the deer didn't like them. Fantastic!

My brain immediately filled with pictures like this:

I bought three and promptly placed them by my garage doors.  I was going to grow my own little piece of Mediterranean/Californian plant heaven.  It was going to be amazing!  And, over the winter I would bring them inside to cheer up the house.  Perfect.

We are nearing the end of the summer and this is what I actually have:

Hmmmm.  I'm a bit disappointed.  It's definitely not what I expected.  The reality is not matching what I had envisioned in my mind.  They are not as big, bold, and colorful as I had hoped.

Now, I know my illustration of my lack of growing prowess is a little silly, but it is a good analogy for what I have been thinking about.  Have you ever been disappointed?  Has your life or your situation not turned out the way you had envisioned it?  I think everyone has had those moments.  Those times in life when you turn around and say, "Wait a minute, this was not how I pictured it in my head."  

So, you're standing there, discouraged, disheartened, and disillusioned.  These moments happen.  I've been there many times.  I'll probably be there again at some point in my life. You can try your best to plan around/avoid these moments,  but the reality is that disappointment is sometimes a part of life. 

It's what you do after the moments that are important.  

Sometimes you have to let go of the vision you had so you can move on.  These quotes say it best (and yes I love quotes and no I'm not going to stop using them):

"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

"You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time."

You've got to look around and find something to be grateful for.  I know this is hard, but do it anyway.  Even if you are only grateful that you woke up today, be grateful.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."

Finding something to be grateful for changes your perspective.  It helps to slowly shift your viewpoint.  Sometimes this feels like you are trying to pull a whole train through mud,  but you can do it.  

"Perspective is what determines your life resembling the clouds or the silver lining."

Changing your perspective in a situation is sometimes a slow process.  It takes discipline.  You have to be mindful of your thoughts.  I think we often just let thoughts wonder through our brains without any awareness of how they make us feel about and react to a situation.  We assume we have no control over this issue.  That's not true.  You can control what you think about.  Why do you think the following verse is in the Bible?

"Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious-- the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not to curse."  Philippians 4:8  the message

Now, for a change in perspective on the Bougainvillea situation.  If I just looked at what my vision was, I miss the beauty that is in the details right in front of me.  My plants did not get as tall or as full as I wanted them too, but there was still beauty in the flowers they did produce:

I'll leave you with one last quote:

"There are always flowers for those who want to see them."

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