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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A quarter of a century... A Love Story

Today marks my 25th anniversary with my wonderful husband.  So be warned, I'm going to get mushy.

We were so young!  But we have had an amazing journey together!  

Here are some thoughts on what has made our marriage work.  Along with some random photo's from our marriage.

1.  God. My relationship with God helps me to be a better person.  Jeff's relationship with God helps him to be a better person.  Together, God helps us to be a better couple.

2. Partnership.  Jeff is my true partner in this relationship.  We make big decisions together.  We work together to make our life as good as it can be.  We bounce ideas off of each other. We help each other out.  I can count on him and he can count on me.  We parent together as a unified team.

3.  Mutual respect.  We truly respect each other.  And we treat each other with respect.  We treat each other with kindness.  Be careful what you say to and about your spouse.  This is not always easy, but try to make this a priority. 

4.  Saying I love you.  We say I love you to each other often.  It reminds us that we truly do care and love each other.  And some days, if you have been married long enough, you need to say and hear that verbal message.

5.  Laughter.  We enjoy being silly together.  Laughing together.  Not taking ourselves too seriously.

6.  Adventure.  We love spending time together and exploring together.  You do not have to travel to have an adventure.  Some of our best "adventures" happened close to home.  But, we love to travel together when we can.

7.  Be your spouses biggest fan!  Cheer them on.  Encourage them.  Tell them that you are proud of them!  Defend them.  Have each other's back.  I tell you right now.  I'm extremely, exceedingly, abundantly proud of my husband!  He's an amazingly talented man!  I even support him when he catches little bitty fish ;)

8.  Spend time with family and doing family things together.  They can be an incredible support system.

9.  Be committed.  Hang on to the promise you made each other with fierce tenacity.  Don't let it go. There may be days that that is all you hang on to.  But still, hang on.

10. Be forgiving.  Holding on to hurts, pain and resentment only brings more stress to your relationship.  Learn to let go of the little things.  

To Jeff:  I love you more now than I did when we started our marriage.  You grow more handsome, more kind, more fun to be with, more amazing with every year!  You are an incredible partner and a wonderful Dad!   "Baby I'm amazed by you!" 

I can't wait to see what the next 25 years will bring!

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