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Friday, August 22, 2014

Broken Crayons Can Still Color….Be Encouraged

Have you ever watched children using a box of crayons?  Have you ever noticed that they often show a preference for crayons that are not broken?  So, what makes them do this?  Just because a crayon is broken doesn't affect it's color.  A broken crayon still puts out the same color as it did when it was whole.  The difference between a whole and broken crayon is usually all in appearance.  The broken crayon is not as pretty, as pristine, as the whole crayon.  The paper covering of a broken crayon is usually a little rattier, a little dirtier, not as crisp or as visually appealing.  But just because the crayon is broken doesn't mean that it cannot still serve it's purpose.

Are you aware that the Bible is full of "broken crayons" that were still used by God to fulfill the purpose He set out before them?  You see, we tend to think the the "heroes" of the Bible as spotless.  But if you truly read the backstory, read between the lines, you will notice a common theme… broken people being greatly used by God.

Maybe you are one of those broken crayons, feeling like your sin is too great, that you are too broken to ever be used by God, let alone be loved by Him.  Maybe you have even been told that by people who should know (i.e. Christians, ministers, etc.).  Maybe you have overheard a conversation or read a comment on Facebook that describes your situation as shameful, not worthy of forgiveness or redemption, and condemns any person who has found themselves there.  These comments have made you feel that because of this action you are broken beyond repair.  Maybe you feel like you can't or shouldn't go to church because only "whole" people go there.  Or even worse, you are too broken for God to love or to use.

"God is fully aware that you and I are not perfect.  Let me add, God is also fully aware that the people you think are perfect, are not."

You see, often people look at others and only see the broken crayon.  They fail to see what God sees. Here's what you need to understand about broken crayons.  The sharp edge of the broken crayon, when used, often produces a darker, richer, deeper color than the normal blunt end of the crayon.  A broken crayon without a paper wrapping can be turned on it's side and the whole length of it can be used.  This also means that the color left by the broken crayon used on it's side can color a bigger space than the blunt end of a whole crayon.  Are you getting the picture?

"Sometimes good people make bad choices.  It doesn't mean that they are bad people, it means that they are human."

"Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo."

So, let me encourage you today.  If you are broken, welcome to the club.  We are all, in some way, shape, or form broken.  And guess what?  God still loves us all.  Deeply, passionately, and unwaveringly.  You are not too broken for God, I don't care what anyone else may try to tell you.  God will not only accept and love you, but he will use you, and all your broken pieces, to bring about great things.  Remember:

"Broken crayons can still color."

The challenge for all of us today is twofold:

1. Don't let your brokenness keep you from seeking a relationship with God.  Also, don't let it keep you from being used by God.

2. Watch what you say and how you say it when talking about a certain sin or behavior.  Make sure that you are not breaking and crushing those who are already broken.  There is already enough condemnation and judgement out there to crush the toughest of people.

If you still don't believe me about God using broken crayons, here's a very short list of Bible Heroes that were broken, yet greatly used:

Moses was a murderer.  So was David.

Paul was not only a murderer, but he murdered countless people in the name of God, all  while believing that he had the moral and ethical right to do so, because it was believed to be the right thing to do according to the laws of the religious leaders.

David committed adultery.

Moses, Peter, and Paul had bad tempers.

Rahab was a prostitute.

Sampson was a womanizer.

Jonah ran from God and disobeyed him.

Noah got drunk.

Jacob was a liar.

Gideon was a coward.

and the list goes on…. The point is God often uses the broken crayons to leave the most colorful marks in life.  Be encouraged by that!

I'll leave you with a few more colorful photos from the Chihuly gallery.

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