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Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Wisdom of Aerosmith….Dream On people!

Today I am going to expose you to the wisdom of Aerosmith.  That's right, I mean Aerosmith the Band.  You know, the band with Steven Tyler  and those four other guys.  Sidebar-- I actually met Steven Tyler and those four other guys last year at one of their concerts… hmmmm…that's all I'm going to say about that.

Anyway, as disturbing as you may find this next comment, I'm going to state for the record-- that I am an Aerosmith fan.  I have always liked them.  I have always listened to them.  That's not changing.  And I'm not sorry or apologetic about it.  When a random number comes through my cell phone, the ringtone is the song Dream On….. one because I love that song and two… you are probably dreaming if you think I'm answering my phone for a number that I don't know… that's what voicemail is for.

So, speaking of the song Dream On, here are the lyrics:

Every time when I look in the mirror,
All these lines on my face getting clearer,
The past is gone.
It went by, like dust to dawn
Isn't that the way?
Everybody's got the dues in life to pay.

I know nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes.
I know it's everybody's sin
You got to lose to know how to win.

Half my life is books, written pages.
Live and learn from fools and from sages.
You know it's true, Oh
All these feelings come back to you

(Yes, I'm totally singing this at the top of my lungs while playing the air drums in between typing)

Sing with me, sing for the years
Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears
Sing with me, just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

Dream on, dream on, dream on
Dream until your dreams come true
(cue guitar solo)
Dream on, Dream on, Dream on
Dream until your dreams come true

Besides just being (in my totally humble and completely right opinion) a really good rock song, there is a certain set of wisdom in these words.  I like the determination to not give up on your dreams, even if you are getting older.

I think sometimes we are under the mistaken impression that dreams are only for the young.  Not true!    There's a prime example of this in the Bible.  ( And yes, I realize that there are those who think I'm crazy to use both a secular rock song and a Bible story in the same blog.  To you I say,  So what?    My blog, my rules.)  Let's take a look at Abraham and Sarah's dream in Genesis.  It starts in Chapter 12 with God's promise to Abraham to "make him a great nation."  Right there, the dream is planted.  However, if you notice, there are a lot of chapter's in between where the dream is planted in the heart of Abraham and when it finally comes true.  In fact, in Chapter 18, when once again the dream is re-stated to Abraham and Sarah, that they would have a child it states that "Abraham and Sarah were already old and well advanced in years, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing."  Genesis 18:11

Finally, in Chapter 21, their dream was realized.  It says that "Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born to him."  Genesis 21:5  Wow!  One Hundred years old!  I just think that's amazing!  Not for me mind you, I don't want to have a brand new baby at 100, just saying. I  have other dreams.

So, I want to be like the Aerosmith song and like Abraham and Sarah and never stop dreaming!  Part of this involves me being active-- to never stop dreaming.  In fact, I have started writing down some of my dreams, just to keep them present in my mind.  To remind me that I still have dreams to fulfill.  Dreams  help keep you motivated and moving in the right direction.  They help give a bit of purpose, and in my case, they provide a bit of fun.

So my challenge to myself and to you this week is to Dream on, Dream on, Dream on,  Dream until your dreams come true!

I'll leave you with a photo of one of my dreams I recently fulfilled.  I had always dreamed of going to Venice, and last year I did.  Totally fun!  Totally amazing!  What a great dream fulfilled.  I'll leave you with a photo or two.

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