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Friday, July 4, 2014

It's a Celebration….Why I'm Still a Proud American

I have noticed a disturbing trend on social media this week.  Along with those who are excited to celebrate America's birthday, I have notice quite a few people posting things like, why I am not proud to be an American, or 10 reasons why we shouldn't celebrate our country etc….  I understand that things aren't "perfect" in the good old U.S.of A., but I would challenge you to find one country on this planet where things are perfect.I guess what disturbs me most about this trend, is our inability to be grateful for what we have.

So you know what?  I'm going to state right here, right now, that I am GRATEFUL that I am an American citizen!  Thank you God for allowing me to grow up in and be a part of this amazing country! I count being a U.S. citizen as one of my biggest blessings and I am honored to be one. So today, I'm going to take a little time an brag on my country a little bit (I'm not implying that other countries are not great as well, but I don't live there).

S, what makes our country great?  We are a generous nation.  If you don't believe me, then believe the 2013 World Giving Index, which stated that the U.S. is the world's MOST generous nation.  Let me tell you that generosity is a good thing!  I love the fact that when tragedy strikes another part of the world, we as a nation and as individuals, are willing to open up our pocket books and help out.  We send volunteers to help.  We send supplies.  We send food & water.  In fact generosity  is important to God, and he honors those who are generous.  Sidebar-- I believe some of the blessings we are privileged to experience in this nation are a direct result of our generosity towards others.

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed."  Proverbs 19:17

"Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor."  Proverbs 22:9

"The the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father;  take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the whorl.  For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."  Matthew 25:34-36

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.  A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes  others will himself be refreshed."  Proverbs 11:24-25

This country is great because we value creativity and innovation .  Let me tell you that some of the worlds greatest inventions have been created by U.S. citizens. We have birthed some of the largest and most innovative companies in the world. Here's just a small list of some of the inventions and companies to come out of our great nation.

Airplanes, Photographic film, Freon, A/C, Fiberoptic cable, Apple (ipod, iphone, ipad), sunglasses, space shuttle, microwave oven, Hydraulic brakes, Band Aids, PC (personal computer), Cell phones, email, Vacuum cleaner, tractors, Nylon, JAZZ, CD's, smoke detectors, gas pump, Ferris Wheel, Fiber Glass, barcodes, wrench, Digital Camera's, GPS, Lasers, Electric plug, Electric Guitar, Country Music, Polio Vaccine, Sewing machine, Oreo's, Cocoa Cola, Baseball, Volleyball, Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Paper Clips, Artificial Hearts, Scotch tape, Solar Panels, Wind Farms, BBQ, Harley Davidson, Bugs Bunny, Weather Satellite, Blue Jeans, Flip flops, Disney, Ford, ………

This country is great because we are still the land of opportunity.  Listen, people aren't trying to get into our country by the thousands because we have great beaches (which we do), or great music.  Nope, they are coming because of the opportunity to prosper, do better, to provide a better life for their families.  In this country, you can make a better life for yourself.  Opportunity is a brightly lit star for those who are desperately seeking it.  It's a beacon.  And, it's good to note that in this country, most of our families were immigrants at one point or another.

This country is great because of our freedom of choice.  You can choose what to believe.  You can choose what you learn in school.  You can choose to work hard, You an choose, to some extent, your career.  You can choose to vote or not vote.  Choice, something we take for granted here, is not always an option in other parts of this world.

There are many, many other things that make our country great.  But I am going to end with this.  Our country is visually stunning.  It is beautiful.  Everywhere I look I see great beauty.  So, I'll leave you today with a few photos from some of my travels around this big, beautiful country.  I hope you enjoy celebrating this country tonight!  And, I hope you take a moment to be grateful for the U.S.A.

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