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Friday, July 14, 2017

Be Still

The photo above is from the Okavango Delta in Botswana at sunset.  We had the privilege a few years ago to go out and explore this Delta on a boat one evening.  After spending a few hours weaving in and out of paths made through patches of tall papyrus reeds and marsh grasses, stopping every once and while to observe the wildlife, we ended the evening with the boat just sitting still, watching the sun dip below the horizon.  It was truly one of the most peaceful moments I have ever experienced.  

We sat there, listening to the birds sing, hearing the hippos begin their nightly calls to each other-- which sounds sort of like a soft grunting noise-- and the various bugs adding their soft buzzing and chirping to the mix, with the water, perfectly, peacefully calm.  On the air was the light sweet scent of the marsh grass and the sharp scent of the wild sage that grows in Botswana.  The water here is crystal clear and crisp-- the grasses that grow here act as natural purifiers.

It was the perfect end to a busy day.  It was a perfect end to a fun but very full and busy vacation.  

Stillness brings with it time of reflection, feelings of deep satisfaction, calmness, and peace.  We place a lot of importance in life on movement.  Keep moving forward.  Never give up.  Don't stop.  All of that is important-- we were not meant to remain still or stagnant. But we forget that times of rest are just as important.

We need those times to stop and reflect.  We need those times to remember how much we have to be thankful for.  We need those times to rest not only our physical bodies, but our emotional and mental beings as well.

And we need to be still and let God talk and minister to us in times of heartache and pain.  

I have had a busy, but completely enjoyable week showing one of my nephews  Washington D.C.  I walked his legs off in an effort to show him all of the incredible and important history that is housed there.  And I loved every minute of it!  But some of my favorite moments?  Those moments when I had a chance to be quiet and still,  whether I was viewing an amazing piece of artwork, or gazing at a memorial that was spectacularly lit up at night.

This verse has been playing over and over in my mind these past few weeks:

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

I don't know what is going on your busy life this week.  Maybe chaos has been reigning and you are tired of all the craziness.  Maybe you have been dealing with heartache or pain.  Or maybe, you are just physically run down.  If so, My advice to you (and to me) is to make the time to take a moment and be still.  Stop, and let God speak to you.  Stop, and let God love you.  Stop, and rest.  Stop,  and be grateful.  Stop, and reflect.  Stop, and enjoy a moment of quiet.  God is not unaware of where you are and how you are feeling.  He wants to meet you right where you are-- you just need only be still.

That's it, no great words of wisdom today.  Just something simple, yet so important.  I pray that you find rest today.  I pray that you  find time to be still.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs from Stephen Curtis Chapman and a few more photos from that incredibly still water in the Okavango Delta.

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