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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Dwell in Hope.. Thoughts for 2017

 As much as I love a good sunset, (and who doesn't?) I have to say that for me, nothing tops a glorious sunrise.  It is my favorite time of day.  Especially if I'm near the beach.  I adore going out for an early morning sunrise walk on the beach.  It's usually quiet, not many people make it out for the sunrise.  The ocean always smells particularly fresh in the morning.  The air is usually crisper.  You can usually find the best treasures left on shore overnight first thing in the morning.  And if dolphins are near, you can usually watch them as they are closer to shore in the early morning hours.

But mainly for me, I like the hope that is present at the beginning of each new day.  The promise of a new day being different than the previous day.  The promise of change.  The infinite hope that this new day has the potential to be better than the last.  The realization and feeling of gratitude that I get at being given another day to try again.  Sunrises represent to me bright beginnings.

A lot of people feel that same way about facing a new year.  They are hopeful that 2017 will be better somehow than 2016.  Some people are desperately hoping for a miraculous 2017.  It's hard to not feel some of that desperate hopefulness for the year 2017.  

But even as I grow older and the years seem to pass quicker, a year is still a long time span to wrap my head around.  So instead, I have been practicing the art of starting smaller.  I practice the art of starting each morning with hope.  Being a little more focused on the now of the day and less focused on the future of tomorrow.  That's not to say that I don't make plans for the future-- it's still important to make some future plans, I just don't spend the majority of my time there.  

I find that when I place too much focus on the future, I miss the amazing moments of today because in the broad scope of things they may look or feel somehow small or insignificant.  I also find that if I spend to much of my time focused on the future I feel less gratitude in my life.  It's hard to feel gratitude for something that is a future event.  When I place more of my focus on the now of today,  I tend to feel gratitude more often, even for the small things.  And for me, greater feelings of gratitude bring forth greater feelings of hope.  I feel more hopeful because I recognize all the small things in my life that bring me joy, peace, and love. And when I am dwelling in hope and gratitude, I unknowingly pass those feelings on to those around me.  I smile more.  I laugh more.  I am more peaceful in situations that are stressful.  Dwelling in hope brings calmness to my life.  It keeps me from riding the up and down feelings roller coaster that causes so much harm to my well being.

So my prayer for myself and for you in 2017 is that you find a way to Dwell in Hope, each and every day.  Find ways to start every day with gratitude and hope.   When  the future seems too overwhelming, break it down into smaller, more manageable time spans.  Be hopeful and grateful for the sunrise.  Be hopeful and grateful for your morning coffee.  And on and on, until you find yourself dwelling in hope.

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles;  they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Isaiah 40:31

I'll leave you with a few more sunrise photos.  Have a hopeful New Year!

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