"Are you tired? Worn Out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30, the Message
This was the verse one of our pastors read this morning. And it reminded me that I love this passage. I especially love the verse "Learn the unforced rhythms of grace." It has always struck me as an amazing mental image, a beautifully poetic description of what life with God should be like.
And yet, I feel like that is not what people think of when they think of having a relationship with God. Some people think of an angry God, who is waiting to jump all over you with punishment when you step out of line. Some people think of a genie in the bottle God, that if they do everything just right, He will grant their every desire and wish. Some think of a God who is and always will be disappointed in them, and they try to somehow earn his love and favor by what they do.
And while God is multifaceted, just like we as humans are, I think that this piece of scripture paints a clear picture of who God is, and of the relationship he desires to have with you. Listen, I get it. I've grown up in church and even I have found myself bemused and befuddled trying to figure this relationship thing with God out. Is he an angry God? Is he a rules oriented God? Is he an uncaring God? Is he someone who grants wishes? Which rules should I follow? Am I supposed to blindly agree with every "spiritual leader" I encounter because they say they have heard from God? Some of the Christian stuff seems very complicated. Even to me, a Christian.
And then we throw out special lingo that even I do not always understand... Talk about valleys and high places, the phrase "I don't feel led", and hedge of protection to name a few-- and lets get this straight, I've even said some of these things myself. But really, what does this mean?
I think the real question is what does God want from me? And I know that there can be some really complicated, theoretical answers to this question, but for me, those complicated answers are not helpful. I, myself, need a straightforward answer that I can understand. And I do not think I am alone in this.
So for those of you who are smarter than I am, who are more learned, who have studied the scripture more in depth, please pardon my simple answer to this question. Because the truth is, I am probably not answering this question for you-- you have probably already answered this question for yourself in far more eloquent terms.
But, when I really needed the answer to this question in my life, I didn't need or want or have time for an in depth answer. I needed the down and dirty, simple, easily understood, cliff notes version. And my simple answer to the question of what does God want from me is this: relationship. God wants a relationship with me.
Having said that, anyone who has any kind of relationship with anyone understands that relationships do take some work. They do not just magically happen. But still, once I really got this piece of the puzzle in my brain, it helped me to sort everything else out.
I'm not sure why this has struck me so hard today. Maybe it's because Easter is coming, and I want people to know that for me, Easter is a time of just being in awe of all that God was willing to do in order to have a relationship with me. It's humbling. It is the greatest love story ever written. And it is story about me and a story about you. Because God desires a relationship with not only me, but with you.
I do not know who this blog is for today. And may just be a blog for me, to remind me that what God desires from me is relationship. That's ok. It's a good reminder.
So, to circle back to the phrase "unforced rhythms of grace." That phrase, probably because I am a visual person, conjures up certain images in my mind. Like tall grass moving in waves with the wind. Waves in the ocean breaking on shore. Standing in a darkened cathedral, smelling the candle wax, and listening to the quiet within. Hearing a bird sing a morning song. Watching a sunrise or sunset. Seeing a gazelle run. All of those things have an intrinsic sense of rhythm to them. So I'll leave you with a few photos that come to mind when I read this passage. One more thought before I get to the photos, if you would like to see what a relationship with God is about, I encourage you to find a church and speak to a pastor/leader. Don't be afraid to ask questions, that's how you learn about another person in a relationship-- same with God. Have a great week! May you find rhythms of grace this week.